Core Systems Integration

Adaptive Integration Fabric

Adaptigent Fabric – Connect All Your Critical Data and Services

Adaptigent Fabric Overview

Adaptigent has played a pivotal role in accelerating modern application development for some of the world’s most prominent companies by seamlessly integrating data and services through the creation of highly sophisticated APIs. This integration streamlines the process of integrating systems and expedites new application development.

The company’s flagship offering, the Fabric Solution, is specially designed to enhance interaction with hybrid and cloud environments. It features an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that simplifies the construction of complex service integrations and orchestrations. This powerful tool not only reduces the technical complexity but also significantly cuts down development time, making it easier to deploy new web and mobile applications.

By leveraging Adaptigent’s Fabric Solution, organizations can utilize their existing production systems and data more effectively, allowing them to quickly adapt to market changes and meet evolving customer demands with new, innovative applications. This capability ensures that businesses remain competitive in their respective industries.

Integrate Legacy Systems with the Cloud


  • No-code, real time, drag and drop development
  • Orchestration engine allows complex, multi-branch service flows
  • Deployment options include OpenShift Container
  • Support for Open API 2.0 and 3.0 (Release 7.2)
  • Build SOAP or REST API’s
  • Integrate with any combinations of SOAP and REST API’s
  • Support for mainframe program and data integrations

Challenges Addressed

  • Need for web and mobile applications that need access to data and services are distributed across multiple systems
  • Need speed to market, predictability, and flexibility developing your applications
  • Need to minimize risk in building applications that incorporate other services
  • Need to integrate one or many 1st party, 2nd party, and 3rd party services in your applications

Effortless Integration

Accelerate the creation of REST or SOAP interfaces with our intuitive, no-code integration studio. Our drag-and-drop functionality simplifies the development process, significantly reducing time-to-market and enhancing organizational agility.

Complex Integration

Construct sophisticated, multi-branch integrations that manage data and service interactions across numerous backend processes, internal data structures, and external services seamlessly.

Low Latency / High Performance

Develop high-performance interfaces with minimized latency by orchestrating integration logic efficiently. This leads to superior performance across applications.

Customer Success

Flexible Deployment Options

Our software is designed to operate seamlessly on Windows and Linux operating systems, as well as within OpenShift containers, offering versatile deployment solutions to meet diverse infrastructural needs.


Adaptive Integration Fabric, for mainframes, product brochure

The Future of Your Mainframe

Adaptigent’s Adaptive Integration Fabric allows non-programers to rapidly create sophisticated interfaces to highly complex legacy systems through a visual, drag-and-drop environment. What used to take months or even years of coding can be done code-free in days or weeks, allowing you to keep up with the relentless pace of innovation your business demands.

Let's Connect

If you're interested in expanding your capabilities around core systems, data integrations, and legacy technology, we should talk.