Living in a VSE World

by | Jun 24, 2019

Platforms come and platforms go, and IBM continues to make the z/OS mainframe more flexible and more powerful. But what if you’re living in a VSE world? I know that you’re out there and you may sometimes feel that you aren’t getting as much attention as other platforms. The other thing that I know, because I subscribe to the VSE listserv and regularly visit several VSE forums, is that there are many businesses out there depending on VSE to run day-to-day operations.

The challenge for you, however, is that the number of software vendors committed to VSE is dwindling every year. But I have great news to share. Adaptigent has been and continues to be committed to providing superior software solutions for the VSE platform. The following Adaptigent products run on VSE:

So, if you want to modernize VSE mainframe applications, expose VSE data to open systems applications, or API enable your VSE core applications, Adaptigent continues to be there for you.